Locating your Water Feature to best effect

Solving Pond murkiness: best Water Feature remedies

Ponds & Their Problems

Frequently Asked Questions about waterfalls, rockpools and garden ponds

Review others’ frequently-asked questions.

To help you 'get it right', we are building a list of questions people frequently ask, along with answers and advice. If you ask a question we don’t know the answer to, or ask a particularly good question you will receive a copy of the excellent 256-page A4 sized book “Rock and Water Gardening”. At September 2012 there are still three books to give away.

What should I consider when deciding on a position for my water feature? (Elsternwick)
Proximity to viewing points from the house should be considered – the closer it is, the more impact it has. Sun orientation is another. Water trickling off a waterfall in the morning sun looks best. Consider drainage issues before you begin construction! If you have a slope, this can make for an interesting feature. However there are so many ways of using slopes that it's best to read our technical sheet which covers many points. Phone or email (see form below) for this sheet. The sheet also contains suggestions for suitable plantings around your water feature.

My pond has got very murky. What should I do about it? (Blackburn)
Clear water makes water features a delight. Murky water pleases no one. There are 4 kinds of murky water – pea green, black stagnant, green strandy/cloudy and dark tea coloured. There are six causes – excessive warmth and sunlight, overstocked with fish, insufficient water movement, no oxygenating water weeds, poor pond drainage and leaf decay in the pond. Toprock's technical sheet  addresses fixing these problems in detail and can be sent out to you at no charge.

My fish are being taken by some animal. How do I stop it happening? (Doncaster)
You are more likely to have a marauding bird than a cat. You can put hollow logs or hollow artificial rocks (like Toprocks) in the pond to provide a refuge for your fish. Preferably locate them on a ledge within the pond rather than the bottom, as there is less oxygen at the bottom. A few sleepers over a section of the pond can also be helpful. If the fish are still disappearing, then I’m afraid you have a visiting cormorant - more prevalent with the increase in wetlands and parks. You will need to put a net over the pond whenever it is not supervised for at least six months. Contact Toprock for where to get a suitable net.